Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Evaluation: question two

1 comment:

  1. Splendid presentation and an interesting and intelligent response to Question 2. I particularly like the way you have related aspects of your production to news stories (the zeitgeist). You could include another slide to develop your comment about how your film represents aspects of contemporary Britain.

    Think about the derelect house symbolising the difficulties aspiring young people face who are either in training or wish to go to university. For example the wrecked house could also stand for the obstacles young people face finding jobs or paying university fees, in other words the half demolished house could represent wrecked dreams for some young people in contemporary Britain. The dead girl symbolising those who are unable to cope with unemployment whilst the photographer indicates that with determination one can move forward despite the lurking possibilities of failure indicated by the sinister man watching her.

    Also noir films that were made during and just after the war were often pessimistic (the wrecked city of Vienna in the Third Man) is a metaphor for the carnage war wrought in Europe. Your film has a sense of pessimism but the fact your shot the film in broad daylight indicates the possibility the girl will overcome the situation.
